I've decided for a split post of two completely different genres, with one band thats split up and the other band that is quite new but then again very samey unfortuantely

First up - The Stone Roses

Very good, very influential to the manchester scene, especially the band I think I hate more than any other, OASIS. God damn their arrogance! They attempt at the same album to be 'better' than Definitely, Maybe year in year out but the Stone Roses are a very special band, kicking off both Mani's and Ian Brown's careers in the music business and also the music which is probably some of the best ever made

The Stone Roses - Fools Gold mp3

The Stone Roses - I Wanna be Adored mp3

Well next, To My Boy, a band specialising in what NME describes as 'GameBoy' music, thats true alot of the music does remind me of 8bit gaming, Pokemon and Mario. The songs are really good upon first listen, but the album 'Messages' holds a few songs which is like ironically reading a different message thats basically saying the same thing as another, if you get that? Anyway, there are stand out tracks like the ones below

To My Boy - Model mp3

To My Boy - The Grid

I love the song, but they should hold back with the freaky dancing lolz