I AM a Guitar Hero
I love Guitar Hero, and being in the UK I anticpate Rock Band's release (on PS3), luckily I tried that game in a shop in New York in February, so have an idea of the difference between it and Guitar Hero. I know plenty of musicians HATE Guitar Hero, Rock Band and whatever next music rhythm games come out. I can see why, it IS rather stupid to see playing Guitar Hero cooler than playing an actual guitar BUT I myself have zero musicial ambitions, i've already attempted to learn guitar and failed miserably, Guitar Hero lets me live out that ill fated dream as a successful musician and with songs I enjoy. You have to admit that the games have such an amazing playlist.
For prime example,
Priestess - Lay Down
The Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
Wolfmother - Woman
Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows
There are songs I think that should most definitely be in Guitar Hero or Rock Band too, like these
Airbourne - Running Wild
Radiohead - Paranoid Android
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