I feel like posting some songs, just because of the great lyrics
"Wouldn't it be great to be Dorian Gray, just for a day?"
The Libertines - Narcissist
A lovely question, wouldn't we all want to be that man of beauty from Oscar Wilde's novel. Its a great book which although overtly gay does conjure up some amazing imagery, coupled with the characterisation of the central character as this lustful, passion-desiring man who would sink to the lowest of lows and commit the most heinous acts for no fear of reprisal. I don't think i'd want to be him to be honest, there is such a lack of restraint and his nature is despicable
"It was all a dream/I used to read word up magazine"
Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy
Possibly the best opening line ever. Rhyming dream and magazine makes it a winner which although i guess is not a hard rhyme, just stuck out at me as a good'un. The song also mentions super nintendo and the sega genesis consoles. Which is coooool. Also can't wait to see the Notorious film coming out next year.
"Loooooooooovvve me, wherever you are"
Razorlight - Wire to Wire
Ok, basic chorus but still I find it touching. The song is also very good, even coming from a band which are decidedly hit and miss with me. I absolutely hate Borrell, i'm sure of that but the band just produce good song after good song. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't actually involved in the rest of the song. The song's also been stuck in my head for a while now so I thought it best to include here.
2 Responses to Some choice lyrics
hey, i'll hopefully be there, it looks pretty good. colour are playing too. maybe i'll see you there!
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