tuesday tuneage - on monday
Well I thought I'd write it early, haven't done one for a couple of weeks anyway.
Feral Mare - Christopher
Ok, I do know the drummer, Tom (pictured above), I love this song though. Seeing as I now have a hypem listing I thought I should post this is an effort for the band to get a little more attention. There is a rather big amount of promise there I think.
Arctic Monkeys - Flourescent Adolescent (acoustic)
I don't know how/why, but Alex Turner's vocals on this sound much, well human. If that makes sense. There seems to be more behind his voice and the cough he has is just humbling. He's no god, just a great musician/lyricisst. The whole mecca dobber/betting pencil line is hilarious.
Armand Van Helden - You Don't Know Me (GRUM Remix)
Now this is my favourite remix ever, they took a personal favourite dance track and spiced it up, making it ten times better and I just love every second of it. It's just a song that deserves a second, third and fourth consecutive listen. Too me I can see a Justice influence, but I could be wrong. Well done, GRUM
Radiohead - 15 Step (Live @ Lollapalooza 2008)
Regular readers may have read before of my love for Radiohead, I love the band, one of my ambitions is to see them live. This track is a favourite of mine that just somehow sounds amazingly good live, even on recordings, which you have to admit can never compare to being there.
Foals - Olympic Airways
Quite like this new single of Foals, the video is an almost certain head-trip mind-fuck of the Oxford band, it's competely non-senseical but still looks good, Yannis painted black is actually rather interesting, like, how could he have not got it on his face when they're thowing it at him.
I'll be on the college bus by the time this is posted (thanks again to scheduled posting) EEK! I ca't wait for college! YEAH
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