I feel like posting some songs, just because of the great lyrics

"Wouldn't it be great to be Dorian Gray, just for a day?"
The Libertines - Narcissist
A lovely question, wouldn't we all want to be that man of beauty from Oscar Wilde's novel. Its a great book which although overtly gay does conjure up some amazing imagery, coupled with the characterisation of the central character as this lustful, passion-desiring man who would sink to the lowest of lows and commit the most heinous acts for no fear of reprisal. I don't think i'd want to be him to be honest, there is such a lack of restraint and his nature is despicable

"It was all a dream/I used to read word up magazine"
Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy
Possibly the best opening line ever. Rhyming dream and magazine makes it a winner which although i guess is not a hard rhyme, just stuck out at me as a good'un. The song also mentions super nintendo and the sega genesis consoles. Which is coooool. Also can't wait to see the Notorious film coming out next year.

"Loooooooooovvve me, wherever you are"
Razorlight - Wire to Wire
Ok, basic chorus but still I find it touching. The song is also very good, even coming from a band which are decidedly hit and miss with me. I absolutely hate Borrell, i'm sure of that but the band just produce good song after good song. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't actually involved in the rest of the song. The song's also been stuck in my head for a while now so I thought it best to include here.


hot blog

Posted In: , , . By Nathan

Ok, it's gone and past now, but couple of days ago i was listed in the hottest blog section on hype machine :) to prove look left for the pic. Well I might not have been at the top, which I would like to one day but it was a good advancement and my hits are nearing 25,000. Which i like to be fair.

Anyway, I want to post a few tracks that I've been enjoying recently

Cut Copy - Far Away

The Hold Steady - Stay Positive

Los Campesinos - Death to Los Campesinos!


the spinto band

Posted In: . By Nathan

Wow I actually received something good in my email inbox yesterday, sorry to the people who send me stuff, but mostly it is not to my liking, yeah there have been a few good tracks here and there.

Well I've heard of Spinto Band somewhere before, either an enthusiastic friend/magazine article but my memory deceives me. Anyway the two songs I was given were from their recent album Moonwink and they are pretty awesome

I actually want this album now, based on the strength of these songs

The Spinto Band - Summer Grof

and also their new single and generally awesome song
The Spinto Band - Pumpkins and Paisley


live justice

Posted In: . By Nathan

I just listened to the new Justice live album, "A cross the Universe" and god darn it's very good. Just an amazing recording of a show I would very much liked to have been at.

It's got great tracks on it throughout. There are a few bands that I have yet to see that I seriously long to. Justice are one of them, this just affirms their amazing live shows like i've seen before on tv from their glastonbury and reading fest sets.

Well I recommend you buy it on it's release this coming monday! Here's a preview

Justice - We Are Your Friends (Reprise)

Justice - DVNO



Posted In: , . By Nathan

blog has had like two recent layout changes, I'm stick with this one I think, it's rather interesting, abit different and well I just cannot be arsed anymore, i spent an hour making a logo earlier for it only not to show up on the blog page when i tried to insert it. goddamit!

oh well

now, I'm over that testing of my patience, it's time for some mussickkkkk
two covers today that I can't stop listening to, they're faaaaaaantastic

Vampire Weekend - Everywhere (Fleetwood Mac Cover)

Noah & the Whale - Girlfriend in a Coma (The Smiths Cover)


Saturday Songage

Posted In: , , . By Nathan

Because I haven't done a Tuesday Tuneage post in a while I thought I should post this for good measure. Just the three tracks though, don't want to post too much music as i've had a post the last couple days too.

Lil Wayne - Mrs Officer
I like this? I don't even know why specifically. 'Tis good and as more and more hip hop enters into my musical habit it can't be a bad thing, broadens my cultural palette and all that.

Foals - Astronauts 'N All
Just another Foals song that's rather good. I love the band, definitely on the list of 'have to see live'

Justice - DVNO
My favourite Justice song, Cross is just an album I can continually go back to, it's very easy to listen to.

Side note - Good at design? Not got anything to do?
Design me a logo please
use photoshop or something just send it in a jpeg file, so i can upload it, try to get the same shade of red if you can
the hex code for the red is #cc0000



Posted In: , , . By Nathan

Just a little post about some albums I've been listening to recently, bit of a mixed sort and definitely older. These are some tracks I've never posted before I do believe.

Kanye West - Homecoming feat. Chris Martin

I'm a sucker for a good pop song every now and then, this pulled me in when it was released, I'm surprised i never mentioned it before. Now with his latest album on the verge of release and the surprisingly good sung song "Love Lockdown" out and about, what better time than to revisit the last of Kanye's bear cover albums? This song is a personal favourite of mine, it does work really well, especially Chris Martin's chorus.

Beck - Girl

The 2003 album Guero was what first got me into Beck, I just pretty much loved it and this song, Girl is definitely a highlight, if not THE highlight of the album. From the Gameboy sampling beginning this song is great.

ffffffffinally, some old Panic At The Disco
I actually really liked their first album, bit of a guilty pleasure, but at the end of the day musically the album was really good, yeah it's a bit emo and all abit over the top with its long titles but I just really enjoyed when i first got it. Whatever you say won't disuade me, they had balls to change direction recently and it paid off but seriously I wouldn't have minded a second album of similar stuff

Panic at the Disco - The Only Difference Between Martydom and Suicide is Press Coverage


keane only get better

Posted In: . By Nathan

Keane just seem to be getting forever better with each album, I liked them when they started, the first album was a good, slow & melodic LP and the 2nd just seemed to better that, they gained even more popularity to the dismay of NME. I can't help liking them. There is just something about this band that screams a likability, yes it was funny that the lead singer was on drugs, he looks so innocent!, but musically these guys are geniuses. Their latest effort "Perfect Symmetry" is actually quite good. On first listen I really like it, are they the only modern band whose follow-ups better their previous works?

Keane - Spiralling
First single and immeadiate highlight of the album, being the opener

Also for those who don't remember their sophomore album,
Keane - Nothing In My Way
It's definitely my favourite song off that album, Under the Iron Sea



Posted In: , , . By Nathan

the blogger police

I had a post deleted due to thew copyright reasons apparently. I'm rather annoyed they didn't actually contact me and they went straight throught to blogger about it. As stated on the right hand side, I will remove any track if it bothers people, they don't have to go and get rid of my intellectual musings goddamit!

Well anyway I think I can guess what the offending track was now, so that is an artist I won't post anymore of, (if you want to guess, it begins with a 'Run' and ends with a 'C')

I think it shouldn't've been offending copyright holders, think I would have piqued alot of interest for that song again with the 100+ people who viewed my blog recently. I'm going to continue to blog and stick it to the man,so there.

Depeche Mode - People Are People

The Clash - Train in Vain

Willy Mason - We Can Be Strong