Relatively new, well they've been about for a bit actually, Late of the Pier are an amazing band.

I was going to place this into my weekly Tuneage post, however they deserve an entire post to themselves!

I love both the following songs, they have a real unique sound as a band.

Late of the Pier - The Bears are Coming

This second song I must thank music blog The World Forgot for leading me to, upon reading his wise musings, I downloaded and now love this track! He is right, it IS impossible to sit still though it.

Late of the Pier - Focker

Now for the general update, I've been doing a fair bit of posting today, I think I got about 100 hits purely for my earlier post on Coldplay's 'Viva la Vida' which was not in the least shocking. I love blogging but would like to know if anyone reads it! Pleased with my own progress so far, I think it can only get better, right?