Ok, well since my fileden account was suspended, I've been using savefile, but my only annoynance with that otherwise great hosting site is the links aren't direct so I am going to try out EZArchive and see if it's a better service. Well that's a side note, I am genuinely loving these tracks below

Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal It's different to say the least, haven't heard much about this band other than the track. However, I'm quite ashamed that I heard it off Jo Whiley, the prime example of jumping on the bandwagon,the only thing good about her dj show is the occasional live lounge gem, but she hardly has input into that now does she?
This is a good cover performed on her show a while ago;
Hot Chip - Wearing my Rolex (Wiley cover)

Surprisingly, the relatively new track by Ladyhawke, Paris is Burning, was broadcast on pop music channel Bubble Hits, now I get to see all of the crappy music channels when my sister does her usual channel hopping and was really shocked to see this song on a pop channel, and abit peeved when they claimed they play 'new music first' even though its been on both MTV2 and NME TV for a few weeks, its a great track and I can see why it was played as it has a real electro pop edge to it. Ladyhawke may go far!

I'm not fond of remixes buuuuuuuuuuut there are a couple out there I like, today I thought i'd give this almost golden oldie out, I like it alot, off of a free NME cd i got, with Klaxons on the cover for the first time I believe. TUNE!
Gossip - Standing in the Way of Control (Soulwax Nite Remix)