A few track popping up that I really enjoy, some new and old, ironically started lisening to couple of them as I posted the last edition of Tuesday Tuneage

Such a sexy song! LOL I don't use the term sexy very often. This incredibly catchy and I dare say amazing song needs to be heard if you have not already!
Chromeo- Fancy Footwork

Gnarls Barkley have just leaped up in my books, this has to be their best song without a doubt! A real summer tune as well, and I've found perfect when walking.
Gnarls Barkley - Going On

Got 'Elephant Shell' By Tokyo Police Club, a very solid album that I really like. Got some cracking tunes on there as well.
Tokyo Police Club - Tesselate

Love this new track from Carl Barat and co, just such a brilliant track, got a great catchy edge to it and the very singable chorus and its true how can you be tired of England?
Dirty Pretty Things - Tired of England

Also loving this classic of Daft Punk! Brilliant beat, I love pretty much everyone of their songs, just pure danceable, amazing music
Daft Punk - Robot Rock

Bonus Video Round!
This new song for the music is debatably quite bland and uninteresting but for some reason I really like it, the repetiveness comes across catchy, check it out!